Panel discussion: Decarbonization and NetZero challenges in the American oil and gas industry
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 2:05 PM - 2:50 PM
Abhi Kohli Hatem Nasr Samantha Holroyd Tony Beebe Jeremy Grzywa

•    What are the operator shareholder and stakeholder perspectives on carbon tracking and reporting? 
•    How will the market and customer behavior evolve in the next 10 years regarding the Net Zero 2050 target? 
•    How can the decarbonization, NetZero and ESG strategies be integrated into the long-term company strategy? 
•    What has been done so far? Is it enough? What else is missing to tackle ESG properly and reach NetZero by 2050? 
•    Regulations and standards: Are the laws and regulations updated? What codes or standards should be implemented to guarantee accurate emissions tracking and reporting? 
•    What role will state, and federal tax and tax incentives play to achieve this goal. Is 45Q enough or should it grow further from $85 / ton?  
•    Technology: What innovative technologies should we use to enhance emissions tracking and reach NetZero? Is multi-sensor a solution?